Soft skills training

My mission is to provide practical tools and effective strategies to develop and coach soft skills. I work with students and professionals to transform their skills into concrete resources that can ensure success and resilience in personal and professional challenges.

Why soft skills training?

Because they are the key to building authentic relationships, facing challenges with confidence and transforming personal potential into professional success.

Let's connect and collaborate...

I can support you in developing soft skills courses to enhance the soft skills of students and professionals.

Learning Courses


Miglioriamo l’esperienza di formazione dei tuoi studenti online e offline.

Progetto insieme a te corsi capaci di attrarre e mantenere il tuo pubblico coinvolto, assicurando che ogni lezione fornisca valore e generi connessioni durature.

Sviluppo del corso

Lavoro a stretto contatto con te per comprendere la tua proposta di valore unica e creare corsi per il tuo pubblico di riferimento.

Strategie di coinvolgimento

Incorpora elementi interattivi che mantengano l'interesse e l'impegno degli studenti, trasformandoli in potenziali clienti.

Integrazione del marketing

Mi assicuro che ogni corso sia integrato con meccanismi efficaci di cattura e di nutrimento dei lead. Tutto è ottimizzato per la conversione, dai moduli di iscrizione al posizionamento dei contenuti.


I corsi sono progettati per essere scalabili, rendendo accessibile la tua esperienza e moltiplicando le opportunità di lead generation senza ulteriori sforzi.

Essential skills for success

Soft skills have become crucial in today’s world, which is why I support training organisations and companies in creating innovative and customised soft skills courses. These tailor-made programmes are designed to address contemporary challenges, enhance interpersonal and professional skills and engage participants with practical and effective approaches.

Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
Thanks to the workshop, I learnt how to plan my working day effectively, quantifying tasks in hours and setting priorities precisely.
Workshop - Goal planning
Boost your Talents
The workshop provided me with specific guidelines to think about objectives, define them precisely and complete them successfully. I discovered new models that are very useful for improving my approach.
Workshop - Feedback
Boost your Talents
Thanks to the workshop, I now know how to evaluate correct feedback and how to in turn provide useful and targeted feedback to stimulate continuous improvement.
Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
Thanks to the workshop, I gained a new perspective on how to separate the urgent from the important and manage my time better without getting lost in the to-do list.
Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
I really appreciated the tools presented for monitoring and improving task flow. I can now reschedule my commitments better and reorganise my day with a new point of view.
Workshop - Goal planning
Boost your Talents
It was enlightening to understand how to start with personal goals and then build a connection with professional and business goals. I delved into methods such as OKR, KPIs and SMART, which will help me plan in a structured and targeted way.
Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
The workshop gave me an organisational system not only for myself, but also to share in the work context and even in everyday life. An invaluable guide to better manage my week, commitments and work areas.
Workshop - Feedback
Boost your Talents
I learnt not only how to receive feedback effectively, but also how to give it constructively, contributing to the improvement of those I work with.
Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
I realised that true task management requires more than a simple to-do list. I learnt to divide tasks into micro-tasks, separate urgency from importance and not to waste energy unnecessarily.
Workshop - Goal planning
Boost your Talents
Thanks to this workshop, I have a better understanding of what distinguishes a goal from an outcome. The proposed models have given me concrete support to define and plan my goals effectively.
Workshop - Task management
Boost your Talents
This workshop taught me how to manage my work activities in an organised way, making the best use of my time and following clear steps for an effective approach.
Workshop - Goal planning
Boost your Talents
Grazie a questo workshop, ho capito meglio cosa distingue un obiettivo da un risultato. I modelli proposti mi hanno dato un supporto concreto per definire e pianificare efficacemente i miei obiettivi.
Workshop - Feedback
Boost your Talents
The workshop helped me understand the importance of giving and receiving feedback in a clear and constructive manner, improving communication and collaboration.

Would you like to train your soft skills?

Let's create something extraordinary!